Wednesday, September 14, 2011

dapat kunci rumah ... pening pikir reno rumah...

yeay! dah dapat kunci rumah semlm (13/9/2011) setelah beberapa bln menunggu tanpe berita...akhirnya 1 week b4 raya...dpt laa chaitt....ada bende nak kene p raya dulu...balik pikiaq lain....

so 13hb tu... br officially p amik kunci n usha rumah for the 1st time.... dah tgk umah....ayarkk.... dah pikir mcm na nak reno pulak... adoi laaa...tak reti google ni.... laki ambo kata umah depan ambo tu (show house) nyer reno cost = RM 150k... gila bapak mahal...tu dh mcm beli rumah landed kt penang...klu aku mampu nk reno sampai mcm tu nyer mahal.... baik aku beli landed property je kat island ni... dh sah berbaloi2 ikan kaloi... kan??? ni apartment je... agak2 laa nak reno smp mcm tu punya harga...gila ka apa owner rumah tu... nampak sgt duit berkepoi-kepoi mcm org hembus asap rokok tu... hihihiii...

so balik umah start dari saat dpt kunci aku pun belek-telek-belek.... bende-bende patut ambo laki bini buat seblm menghabiskan duit utk reno...

tips 1: -
here are few steps owners needed to take note before start the renovation work:
1. budget for whole renovation work. normally include wet work, wiring work, ceiling work,tiles work, wood work and fit out work for sanitary.
2. find few contractors for comparison in ideas and pricing.
3. make sure all items that you require are in quotation.
4. during the work carried out, the correct ways of progressing wet works is from ceiling to wall, and lastly to floor. then following by installing lighting, taps, W.C. and cabinets. if incase you are short of time to follow the correct way, proper protectionon(normally plastic sheets with plywood) those completed area are needed.
5. for heavy renotation, there are 2 items needed to really engage a good contractor: wiring and plumbing. as these 2 items are normally needed conseal work as surface.
6. remember,there are no so called prefect work.

yg ni khas utk aku...(limited budget) buat bende2 ni suda...tak larat nk bayo 2 umah lama- lama....dok buat amal jariah apa kt owner umah sewa ni...lama ooo aku bertapa di sini... so..suda2 kot amal jariah, kan??

for those house owner with limited budget can just focus on following items:
1. wiring n plumbing.
2. plaster ceiling(if required).
3. paint work and wall paper.
4. cabinet and other woodworks.

lain-lain(byk lg ni) nnt kita cr skit-skit...


1 comment:

  1. Haaa... hamik kau terkincit nak masuk umah baru... Tapi bagi aku, kalau bajet ciput, buat yang penting dulu such as wiring, grill, lampu kipas bagai ngan cabinet. Takat plaster siling, wallpaper bagai, tu aksesori.

    Tapi tang cons plak, kalau buat kendian, payah sebab rumah dah duduk dan barang dah banyak.

    So, fikir2kan...selamat memilih...
